1. What is the difference between Project Based Testing and Product Based Testing?
Project based is nothing but client requirements. Product based is nothing but market requirements.
Example: stitching shirt is a project based and readymade shirt is product based.
2. What is testing process in related to Application testing process is the one which tells you how the application should be tested in order to minimize the bugs in the application?
One main thing no application can be released as bug free application which is impossible.
3. What is the difference between Testing Methodology and Testing methods?
Testing Methodology define process, set of rules and principle which are follow by group concerned with testing the application. Here are 7 steps of testing methodology:
1. Test Requirement Analysis
2. Test Plan
3. Test Design
4. Test execute
5. Defect track
6. Test Automation
7. Test Maintain
Testing methods or we can say that Testing Techniques:
White Box Testing (Unit Testing, Integration Testing), Black Box Testing (System Testing, Functional Testing, Performance
Testing>Load testing>stress testing>volume testing & Security Testing), UAT (done by user/client with actual/live data)
4. What are starting links to test while website testing?
Web based systems are those using the internet, intranet and extranets Web based testing only needs be done once for any applications using the web. Web based testing are as follows:
1. Functional correctness
2. Integration
3. Usability
4. Security
5. Performance
6. Verification of code
5. How GUI testing will be done in manual testing for a website?
For any testing there should be some set of standards to be followed. Particularly in GUI testing, look and feel should be good. We should follow the requirements specification documents for GUI testing. There should be some screen shots (given by client) which we should follow as it is. And for button sizes, font, font size ,colors used, placing of links, objects and the placing of the objects in the page should be followed some standards. If we take a button in the page that should be some standard size. If the size of that button is more or less the client feel bad about that. So we should have minimum common since while testing GUI testing. Some time there may be some mistakes in the screen shots provided by the client also, but that is our responsibility to raise those issues.
6. What things should be tested in regression testing?
While doing Regression Testing a tester must check that any new updating or Modification or Change in Functionality of a Particular Component or Module does not create any disorder and any negative affects on the functionality of the Application.
7. What is the document required to prepare during testing?
Normally Test engineers are responsible for any release of a project. Even the release is for staging environment or change request release or production release. The minimum documents are:
1. Test Plan
2. Test Cases
3. Test Case Report
4. Bug report.
5. Release notes (which contains known issues).
6. Installation document.
8. What is Test data? Where we are using this in testing process? What is the importance of this data?
To execute test cases we should have test data. This test data should be for positive and negative testing for win runner we can get this test data from keyboard, excel sheets or from data base.
9. What is the difference between test case and test script?
Test case is a description what data to be tested and what data to be inserted what are the actions to be done to check actual result against expected result what are the actual inputs we will use? What are the expected results? Is called test script.
Test Script: Is a short program written in a programming language used to test part of the functionality of the software system. A written set of steps that should be performed manually can also be called a test script; however this is more correctly called a test case.
Test Script: Is a short program written in a programming language used to test part of the functionality of the software system. A written set of steps that should be performed manually can also be called a test script; however this is more correctly called a test case.
10. What is the difference between bug, error and defect?
At the time of coding mistake error, when the mistake noticed by the tester defect, tester sends this defect to development team if the developer agrees then it is bug.
11. What is the difference between quality assurance and system testing explains in detail with an example?
Quality Assurance: It is nothing but building an adequate confidence in the customer that the developed software is acceding to requirements. Entire SDLC comes under QA. It is process oriented.
System Testing: It is the process of executing entire system i.e. checking the software as well as parts of system.
12. How do you decide when you have ‘tested enough’?
When the 90% of requirements are covered, Maximum defects are rectified except (some) low level defects are not covered, customer satisfy that project and time is less, then we are closing the testing.
13. What is the difference between Build Management and Release Management? When will conduct build verification and end to end testing?
Build Management is managing the issue fixture tasks in the builds whereas Release management is managing the functionality to be incorporated in the Release.
Build Verification Test (BVT) is done when the build is first received by the testers. The basic functionality is checked with valid data. This is done to check whether the build is testable or not. This is done by testers.
End to End testing is also called system testing. Done by senior test engineers or Test lead.
14. What is boundary value analysis (BVA)? What is the use of it?
Boundary value analysis is a technique for test data selection. Test engineer chooses the values that lie along the data extremes. It includes max, minimum, just inside, just outside, typical values and error values. Boundary Value Analysis is a technique used for writing the test cases. For example: If a particular field accepts the values from 1 to 1000, then we test that field by entering only 1, 1000, 0, 1001, 999, 2. I.e. we check on the boundaries and then Minimum-1, minimum +1 and maximum+1, maximum-1.
15. What is equivalence class partition (ECP)? What is the use of it?
Aquaplane nothing but select the valid and valid class’s example as per client requirement the edit box access only
3-5 capital alphabets then we divided in esp. like valid values only A-Z invalid values are a-z and special characters like ^,8<%
3-5 capital alphabets then we divided in esp. like valid values only A-Z invalid values are a-z and special characters like ^,8<%
16. If there is no sufficient time for testing & you have to complete the testing, then what will you do?
When I have less time to test the Product then I will take these following steps:
1) Sanity or smoke testing
2) Usability Testing
3) Formal Functionality and GUI Testing
4) Walk through with the Product
17. What is meaning by prototype in SDLC?
This is a cyclic version of the linear model. In this model, once the requirement analysis is done and the design for a prototype is made, the development process gets started. Once the prototype is created, it is given to the customer for evaluation. The customer tests the package and gives his/her feed back to the developer who refines the product according to the customer’s exact expectation. After a finite number of iterations, the final software package is given to the customer. In this methodology, the software is devolved as a result of periodic shuttling of information between the customer and developer. This is the most popular development model in the contemporary IT industry. Most of the successful software products have been developed using this model - as it is very difficult (even for a whiz kid!). To comprehend all the requirements of a customer in one shot. There are many variations of this model skewed with respect to the project management styles of the companies. New versions of a software product evolve as a result of prototyping.
18. What is difference between desktop and web application?
The biggest d/f b/w Desktop and web application is- Desktop App (DA) is the machine independent, hence every change has only reflects at the machine level. Whereas Web App (WA) is the Internet dependent program, hence any change in the program reflects at everywhere, where it becomes use.
Example: Suppose there are 5 machines in DA, 5 times installed individually at every machine and if there is any change made in DA then at every machine change has to be made. In WA where the program or Application at the Server or at the one common machine, then if changes made at only central or server or common machine all the changes get reflected at every client machine.
19. Difference between application testing and product testing?
Product testing means when any company does testing for their own (company’s) product. Example: Norton Antivirus is the Symantec’s product; if Symantec test the Norton i.e. called as the Product testing.
Where as if any company take some projects from some other companies like ABC Company takes projects from IBM and test that project on some charges i.e. called as Application Testing.
20. What is a broken link in web testing and how test it?
When we clicked on hyper link if it opens Page can’t be displayed then that hyper link is called as broken link.
21. When will you make update and modify the test object properties in the repository?
Whenever the developer may change any one of the object properties definitely we have to change the same in the OR object repository. If new version net build released from the development department we the test engineers must to modify or update the same is compulsory, otherwise than test will show the bug
22. What is the document needed to create a test case? How you tell it is test case?
System requirements specification, Use case document, Test Plan
23. In customer details from having fields like customer name, customer address. After completion of this module, client raise the change as insert the two radio buttons after customer address. How you can check as a tester?
1. First we need to verify whether the radio button is there are not?
2. Conform the radio buttons are present after the customer address or not.
3. Verify the no of radio button.
4. Verify only one radio button should be checked initially when we open the Customer details form (if it is mentioned in FS)
5. Verify the functionality of the radio buttons i.e. if we check one ratio button, second radio button should be unchecked.
6. Verify the spell check of radio button label name.
7. Verify the alignment of radio buttons in the form.
24. At the time of testing web based applications and client server applications, what you absorbed as a tester?
We generally check for the links, data retrieving and posting. We perform load and stress testing especially for Web based and Client-Server applications.
25. What are the documents required to prepare test plan?
Introduction, scope, test team and their responsibilities, test environment, S/W & H/W requirements, test data preparation, levels of testing, severity & priority, schedule, risk, automation Plan, features to test, bug life cycle all these are documents of test plan.
26. What is testing policy and testing methodology? And what is the difference?
Testing policy means all types of testing or testing techniques (i.e. functional testing, sanity testing etc).Testing methodology means white box and black box testing.
27. What is comparison testing?
Comparison Testing means comparing your software with the better one or you’re Competitor. While comparison Testing we basically compare the Performance of the software. For example If you have to do Comparison Testing of PDF converter(Desktop Based Application) then you will compare your software with your Competitor on the basis of:-
1. Speed of Conversion PDF file into Word.
2. Quality of converted file.
28. What is the general testing process?
Testing Process:
1. Test requirements analysis
2. Creation of Test Strategy (Which includes creation of Test Cases)
3. Creation of Test Plans (Which includes Test Cases and Test Procedures)
4. Execution of test cases
5. Analyze the test results
6. Report the defects if any
29. What participation a manual tester can do in documentation? Are there any tools available for only documentation?
Yes, Manual tester will do Sub Test plan documents, as of my knowledge no tool is used to prepare documentation
30. What is the difference between low and high level test cases? Give Examples?
High level Test cases are those which covers major functionality in the application (i.e. retrieve, update display, cancel
(functionality related test cases), database test cases).
Low level test cases are those which are related to UI related test cases.
31. Is it mandatory to use USECASES or directly one can write test cases from requirements?
It’s not mandatory to write Use Cases, if the requirements are clear you can go ahead with Test Cases. Use Cases are written to know the business flow of the module/application.
32. How does u develop test harness?
1. Test Environment Test Bed
2. Test Environment S/W and H/W
3. Test Bed: Test Documents like Test Plan Document, Test Case Document.
4. Test Environment means
a. Test Bed installation and configuration
b. Network connectivity’s
c. All the Software/ tools Installation and configuration
d. Coordination with Vendors and others
33. Given requirement collection document, tester can prepare which test plan?
Test lead can prepare a test plan which performs testing on an application in an efficient effective and in an optimized way. Test development will do by the testers using the test. Plan in the test plan they prepare the test strategy.
34. Tester with develop meant knowledge will be more effective .justify?
If tester has experience in Development, it will be useful when testing for logical thinking where the error occurs, what is the cause? He can guess the functionality of component? He can easily understand the application environment? Those are plus points which people have Development experience. Precisely he can justify that either functionality is wrong or right and can analyze the defects.
35. As far as the SDLC is concerned last test case, will it be written for “Maintenance Phase”?
As far as the SDLC is concerned last test case will be written for “Acceptance Testing”.
36. What is test scenario and test case? Please explain in detail?
Test Scenario: Test scenario is like laying out plans for testing the product, environmental condition, and number of team members required, making test plans, making test cases and what all features are to be tested for the product. Test scenario is very much dependent on the product to be tested. Test scenario is made before the actual testing starts.
Test Case: Test case is a document which provides the steps to be executed which has been planned earlier. It also depends on the type of product to be tested. Number of test cases is not fixed for any product.
37. What is cookie And Session testing?
A small text file of information that certain Web sites attach to a user’s hard drive while the user is browsing the Web site. A Cookie can contain information such as user ID, user preferences, archive shopping cart information, etc. Cookies can contain Personally Identifiable Information. Session is a connection between a server and client.
38. How would you perform testing manually for web site?
By noting the time to load page or perform any action with stop watch. I know it sounds funny but this is the way performance is tested manually.
39. What is use case? Tell me the attribute of use case?
“Use Case is description of functionality certain features of an application interims of Actors, actions and responsibilities.”
Use Case attributes are:
· Information of Document,
· Description,
· Objective,
· Actors,
· Pre-conditions,
· Data-element descriptions,
· Post conditions,
· Primary flow,
· Alternative flow and Business rules/interaction implementations and etc….
40. What are the difference between stress, volume and load testing?
Load Testing gradually increases the load and checks the performance of the application. We check at what point or maximum load application can sustain.
Stress testing: In this testing we check the performance of application under extreme condign which rarely occurs like:
(1) Many concurrent user access the application for short time.
(2) Extra ordinary long transaction.
(3) Very short transaction reputed quickly.
41. When will do the beta test? When will do the alpha test?
Alpha and Beta tests comes under User acceptance test. We will conduct these two systems being released. We are giving opportunity to customer to check all punctualities covered or not.
Alpha testing is conducting for software application by real customer at development site.
Beta testing is conducting for software product by model customer at customer site.
42. How do you select test cases for Regression Testing (The point is when there is change code how do you come to know which part of code or modules it will affect)?
Consider an example of a form which has a user name, password and Login button. There is a code change and a new button “Reset” is introduced. Regression testing (for that build) will include testing only the “Login” button and not the Reset button (testing Reset button will be a part of conation testing). Hence the Regression tester need not worry about the change in code, functionality. But he has to make sure that the existing functionality is working as desired. Testing of “Reset” button will be included as a part of Regression, for the next build.
43. Can you explain with example of high severity and low priority, low severity and high priority, high severity and high priority, low severity and low priority?
1. High severity and high priority - Database connectivity cannot be established by multiple users.
2. Low severity and low priority - Small issues like, incorrect number of decimal digits in the output.
3. Low severity and high priority - Images not updated.
4. High severity and low priority - In a module of say 2 interfaces, the link between them is broken or is not functioning.
a. High priority & High Severity: If u clicks on explorer icon or any other icon then system crash.
b. Low priority & low severity: In login window, spell of ok button is “Ko”.
c. Low priority & high severity: In login window, there is a restriction login name should be 8 characters if user enter 9 or than 9 in that case system get crash.
d. High priority & low severity: Suppose logo of any brand company is not proper in their product. So it affects their business.
44. What will be the Test case for ATM Machine & Coffee Machine?
Test cases for ATM Machine:
1. Successful inspection of ATM card
2. Un successful operation due to insert card in wrong angle
3. Un successful operation due to invalid account ex: other bank card or time expired card
4. Successful entry of PIN number
5. Un successful operation due to enter wrong PIN number 3times
6. Successful selection of language
7. Successful selection of account type
8. Un successful operation due to invalid account type
9. Successful selection of withdraw operation
10. Successful selection of amount to be withdraw
11. Successful withdraw operation
12. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to wrong denominations
13. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to amount is greater than day limit
14. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to lack of money in ATM
15. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to amount is greater than possible balance
16. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to transactions is greater than day limit
17. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card
18. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card & pin number
19. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card, pin number & language
20. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card, pin number, language & account type
21. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card , pin number, language, account type & withdraw operation
22. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card, pin number, language, account type, withdraw operation & amount to be withdraw
Test cases for Coffee Machine:
1. Plug the power cable and press the on button. The indicator bulb should glow indicating the machine is on.
2. Whether there are three different buttons Red Blue and Green.
3. Whether Red indicated Coffee.
4. Whether Blue indicated Tea.
5. Whether Green indicated Milk.
6. Whether each button produces the correct out put (Coffee Tea or Milk).
7. Whether the desired out put is hot or not (Coffee Tea or Milk).
8. Whether the quantity is exceeding the specified the limit of a cup.
9. Whether the power is off (including the power indicator) when pressed the off button.
45. Tell me about the daily activities as a test engineer?
The daily activities / role as a test engineer:
1. Understanding the BRS and Use cases Document
2. Giving system demo to PM, System analyst, designer, Dev lead.
3. Preparing the Test Actions in xls sheet.
4. Updating the Test Actions based on review comments by System analyst/Business Analyst.
5. Preparing the Test cases and Datasets (System level and global level datasets) in word document
6. Updating the Test Cases based on review comments by System analyst.
7. Installing the application-Testing environment set up.
8. Performing Functional, GUI, System, Compatibility testing (If necessary), Regression testing based on Test cases
9. Preparing the defect report, Bug tracking list and sending daily status report to PM, leads.
46. In SDLC process what is the role of PM, TL, DEVELOPER, tester in each and every phase? Please explain me in detail?
In the SDLC we have these phases:
1. Initial phase
2. Analysis phase
3. Designing phase
4. Coding phase
5. Testing
6. Delivery and maintenance
In the initial phase project manager can prepare a document for the requirements, team leader will prepare a team which is having test engineers, developer will provided by the project manager, tested will prepare test cases for that particular project
Analysis phase all the members have a meeting to finalize the technology to develop that project, the employee, time…
Designing phase the project manager like senior level management will give the directions and source code to the team members to develop the actual code that is guidelines will be given in this phase.
Analysis phase all the members have a meeting to finalize the technology to develop that project, the employee, time…
Designing phase the project manager like senior level management will give the directions and source code to the team members to develop the actual code that is guidelines will be given in this phase.
Coding phase developer will develop the actual code using the source code and they release the application to the tested
Testing phase they deploy their test cases to that application and prepare a bug profile document if there is any defect/bug in that application and send it back to developer, developer may rectify and releases than application as next build and if the bug not understand it will send to the project lead in the delivery phase the so test eng can deploy the application in the client environment
Maintenance phase if the client get any problem with the application it may solved by the project lead with help of testers and developers
47. How do you Test Application with having any requirement and Document?
Testing phase they deploy their test cases to that application and prepare a bug profile document if there is any defect/bug in that application and send it back to developer, developer may rectify and releases than application as next build and if the bug not understand it will send to the project lead in the delivery phase the so test eng can deploy the application in the client environment
Maintenance phase if the client get any problem with the application it may solved by the project lead with help of testers and developers
47. How do you Test Application with having any requirement and Document?
If it is an existing system or if a build is available then we explore the system while testing. This helps knowing the functional use of the system, and its usability. By asking questions to end users and how they use it will be more beneficial. Also, you may work with BA to know more about the system. Black box test is nothing but the same where you explore the system without having any prior knowledge to the system.
48. What is back end testing using SQL?
Executing SQL statements to check if the data submitted by a GUI program is updated in the database or not? Executing the statement the data base is connecting to that particular changes, Updation or not it will test. Back end testing is the testing the integration between the application and the database. It is checking the changes made in the database are getting reflected in the application. Example: A new column is added in the table. Here we test by giving values in the application and value has to be stored in the table.
49. What are the reasons why parameterization is necessary when load testing the Web server and the database server?
When you test your applications, you may want to check how the application performs the same operations with multiple sets of data. For example, suppose you want to check how your Web site responds to ten separate sets of data. You could record ten separate tests, each with its own set of data. Alternatively, you can create Data Table parameters so that your test runs ten times, each time using a different set of data.
50. Difference between strategic test plan & test plan?
Strategic Test Plan | Test Plan |
Strategic test is an organizational level term which is applied for all the projects in the organization with small customizations | Test plan is project level term and which can be applied for that specific project only. |
Strategic test plan is an already or new test plan which can bow used in the future for another project also with some changes in the same organization. | Test plan is a strategic document which describes how to perform testing in an efficient effective and uptimes way. Quality lead test lead can prepare this test plan |
51. Draw Backs of automated testing?
DRAW BACKS OF AUTMATION: Expensive, lack of expertisation, all the areas we cannot automate
52. How do you review test case? Type of Review…
Types of reviewing test cases depend upon company standards, viz..,
Peer review, team lead review, project manager review. Sometimes client may also review the test cases reg what is approach following for project
53. In which way tester get Build a, Build B, Build Z of an application, just explains the process?
After preparation of test cases project manager will release software release note in that Document there will be URL path of the website link from that we will receive the build In case of web server projects, you will be provided with an URL or a 92.168. ***. *** (Web address) which will help you access the project using a browser from your system.
In case of Client server, the build is placed in the VSS (Configuration tool) which will help you get the .exe downloaded to your computer.
54. Apart from bug reporting what is your involvement in project life cycle?
As a Test engineer we design test cases, prepare test cases Execute Test cases, track the bugs, analyze the results report the bugs. Involved in regression testing, performance of system testing, system integration testing at last preparation of Test summary Report
55. What are the contents of test report?
There are two documents, which should be prepared at particular phase.
1. Test Results document.
2. Test Report document.
Test Results doc will be prepared at the phase of each type of testing like FULL FUNCTIONAL TEST PASS, REGRESSION TEST PASS , and SANITY TEST PASS etc …Test case execution against the application. Once you prepared this doc, we will send the doc to our TL and PM. By seeing the Test Results doc, TL will come to know the coverage part of the test case. Here are the contents used in the Test Results doc:
1. Build No
2. Version Name
3. Client OS
4. Feature set
5. Main Feature
6. Defined Test cases on each feature.
7. QA engineer Name
8. Test e-cases executed. (Includes pass and fail)
9. Test cases on HOLD (Includes blocking test cases and deferred Test cases)
10. Coverage Report (Which includes the coverage ratings in %, like % of test cases covered, % of test cases failed)
Coming to Test report, generally we will prepare Test report, once we rolled out the product to our client. This document will be prepared by TL and delivered to the client. Mainly, this document describes the what we have done in the project, achievements we have reached, our Learning’s in throughout the project etc…
The other name for Test report is Project Closure Report and we will summarize the all the activities, which have taken place in through out the project. Here are the contents covered in the Test Report:
1. Test Environment (Should be covered the OS, Application or web servers, Machine names, Database, etc…)
2. Test Methods(Types of Tests, we have done in the project like Functional Testing, Platform Testing, regression Testing, etc..
3. Major areas Covered.
4. Bug Tracking Details. (Includes inflow and outflow of the bus in our delivered project)
5. Work schedule (When we start the testing and we finished)
6. Defect Analysis
a. Defects logged in different types of tests like Functional Test, regression Test as per area wised.
b. State of the Defects at end of the Test cycle.
c. Root cause analysis for the bugs marked as NOT A BUG.
7. QA observations or learning’s thought the life cycle.
56. Write high level test cases?
Write all the test cases under high level TC, which can be covered the main functionalities like Creation, edition, deletion, etc….as per prescribed in the screen.
Write all the test cases under low level TC, which can be covered the screen, like input fields are displayed as per the requirements, buttons are enabled or disabled, and test case for low priority functionalities.
Example: a screen contains two edit boxes login and password and a put buttons OK and Reset and check box for the label “Remember my password”. Now let us write high level TC and low level test cases.
1. Verify that User is able to login with valid login and valid password.
2. Verify that User is not able to login with invalid login and valid password.
3. Verify that Reset button clears the filled screen.
4. Verify that a pop up message is displayed for blank login.
1. Verify that after launching the URL of the application below fields are displays in the screen.
2. Login Name 3. Password. 4. OK BUTTON 5. RESET button etc.
3. Check box, provided for the label “remember my password” is unchecked.
4. Verify that OK button should be disabled before selecting login and password fields.
5. Verify that OK button should we enabled after selecting login and password.
6. Verify that User is able to check the check box, provided for the label “remember my password”.
In this way, we can categories all the test cases under HIGH LEVEL and LOW LEVEL.
57. What is test scenario?
Test scenario will be framed on basis of the requirement, which need to be checked. For that, we will frame set of test cases, in other terms, we can say all the conditions, which can be determined the testing coverage against business requirement.
Please see the below example, which is exactly matched to my explanation.
Please see the below example, which is exactly matched to my explanation.
As we know all most all the application are having login screen, which contains login name and password. Here is the test scenario for login screen.
Scenario: USER’S LOGIN
Conditions to be checked to test the above scenario:
1. Test login field and Password fields individually.
2. Try to login with valid login and valid password.
3. Try to login with invalid login and valid password. Etc
58. What is build duration?
It is a tine gap between old version build and new version build in new version build some new extra features are added.
59. What is test deliverables?
Test deliverables are nothing but documents preparing after testing like test plan document test case template bug report template. Test deliverables will be delivered to the client not only for the completed activities, but also for the activities, which we are implementing for the better productivity. (As per the company’s standards). Here are some of the Test deliverables:
1. QA Test Plan
2. Test case Docs
3. QA Test plan, if we are using Automation.
4. Automation scripts
5. QA Coverage Matrix and defect matrix.
6. Traceability Matrix
7. Test Results doc
8. QA Schedule doc (describes the deadlines)
9. Test Report or Project Closure Report. (Prepared once we rolled out the project to client)
10. Weekly status report (sent by PM to the client)
11. Release Notes.
60. What is your involvement in test plan?
Test lead is involved in preparing test plan test engineers are no way related in preparing test plan role TE is test case design, and execution and bug tracking and reporting them Generally TL is involved in preparation of the Test Plan. But it is not mandatory only TL will take main part in the preparation of the TP. Test engineer can suggest to TL, if he (or) she has good understanding on project and resources, if he or she has more exp with the project, if TL is wrongly given deadlines. If your suggestions are valid, TL will incorporate all of them to the Test Plan. But in most of the companies Test engineers are just audience.
61. Which test cases are not to be automated?
All the test cases which are related to a feature of the product, that keeps on changing (there are always some or the other enhancements in it). Frequent enhancements may change the UI, add/remove few controls. Hence such cases, if automated, would involve lot of a intendance
62. If a project is long term project, requirements are also changes then test plan will change or not? Why?
Yes. Definitely, if requirement changes, the design documents, specifications (for that particular module which implements the requirements) will also change. Hence the test plan would also need to be updated. This is because “Resource Allocation” is one section in the test Plan. We would need to write new test cases, review, and execute it. Hence resource allocation would have to be done accordingly. As a result the Test plan would change
63. Explain VSS (Virtual Source Safe)?
After completion of all phages from development side developer store the code in development folder of VSS, Testing team copying code from that folder to testing folder, after completing above phages from testing, testers put the build in base line folder. It is version control Tool mainly useful to developer, to storing code and maintains version Copying a code from VSS By developer is called CHECK-IN Upload the code in to VSS is called CHECK-OUT.
64. Who will assign severity & priority?
The tester/developer should give the priority based on severity of the bug
Severity means: is the impact of the bug on the application i.e. seriousness of the bug interims of the functionality.
Priority means: is how soon it should get fixed i.e. importance of the bug interims of customer
65. What is the Difference between Stub Testing and Driver Testing?
Stub testing: In top down approach, a core module is developed. To test that core module, small dummy modules are used. So stubs are small dummy modules that test the core module.
Driver testing: In bottom up approach, small modules are developed. To test them a dummy core module called driver is developed.
66. What is a “Good Tester”?
Is one who tries to break the developers software and in a position to venture the bugs. So that at least 80% bugs free software can deliver.
67. How you can decide the number of test cases is enough for testing the given module?
The developed test cases are covered all the functionality of the application we can say test cases are enough. If you know the functionality covered or not you can use RTM.
68. What is the difference between Retesting and Data Driven Testing?
Retesting: It is manual process in which application will be tested with entire new set of data.
Data Driven Testing (DDT): It is a Automated testing process in which application is tested with multiple test dated is very easy procedure than retesting because the tester should sit and need to give different new inputs manually from front end and it is very tedious and boring procedure.
69. What is regression testing?
After the Bug fixed, testing the application whether the fixed bug is affecting remaining functionality of the application or not. Majorly in regression testing Bug fixed module and its connected modules are checked for their integrity after bug fixation.
70. How does u test web application?
Web application testing: Web application should have the following features like
1. Attractive User Interface (logos, fonts, alignment)
2. High Usability options
3. Security features (if it has login feature)
4. Database (back end).
5. Performance (appearing speed of the application on client system)
6. Able to work on different Browsers (Browser compatibility), O.S compatibility (technically called as portability)
7. Broken link testing………etc
So we need to follow out the following test strategy:
1. Functionality Testing
2. Performance Testing (Load, volume, Stress, Scalability)
3. Usability Testing
4. User Interface Testing (colors, fonts, alignments…)
5. Security Testing
6. Browser compatibility Testing (different versions and different browser)
7. Broken link and Navigation Testing
8. Database (back end) Testing (data integrity)
9. Portability testing (Multi O.s Support)….etc
71. How does perform regression testing, means what test cases you select for regression?
Regression testing will be conducted after any bug fixed or any functionality changed. During defect fixing procedure some part of coding may be changed or functionality may be manipulated. In this case the old test cases will be updated or completely re written according to new features of the application where bug fixed area. Here possible areas are old test cases will be executed as usual or some new test cases will be added to existing test cases or some test cases may be deleted.
72. What are the client side scripting languages and server side scripting languages?
Client side scripting languages are useful to validate the inputs or user actions from user side or client side. Client side scripting languages are: Javascript, VbScript, PHP…etc.
Client side scripting is good because it won’t send the unwanted input’s to server for validation. From front-end it self it validated the user inputs and restricts the user activities and guides him.
Server side Scripting languages are to validate the inputs at server side. Server side Scripting languages are: Perl, JSP, ASP, and PHP etc…These scripting languages provide security for the application and also provides dynamic nature to web or client server application.
73. If a very low defect (user interface) is detected by you and the developer not compromising with that defect, what will you do?
User interface defect is a high visibility defect and easy to reproduce. Follow the below procedure:
User interface defect is a high visibility defect and easy to reproduce. Follow the below procedure:
1. Reproduce the defect
2. Capture the defect screen shots
3. Document the proper inputs that you are used to get the defect in the defect report
4. Send the defect report with screen shots, i/ps and procedure for defect reproduction.
Before going to this you must check your computer hard ware configuration that is same as developer system configuration. And also check the system graphic drivers are properly Installed or not. If the problem in graphic drivers the User interfaces error will come. So first check your side if it is correct from your side then reports the defect by following the above method.
74. If you are only person in the office and client asked you for some changes and you didn’t get what the client asked for what will you do?
One thing here is very important. Nobody will ask test engineer to change software that is not your duty, even if it is related to testing and anybody is not there try to listen care fully if you are not understand ask him again and inform to the corresponding people immediately. Here the client need speedy service, we (our company) should not get any blame from customer side.
75. How to get top two salaries from employee tables?
Select * from EMP e where 2>= (select count (*) from EMP e where sal>e.sal) order by desc sal.
76. How many Test-Cases can be written for the calculator having 0-9 buttons, Add, Equal to buttons? The test cases should be focused only on add-functionality but mot GUI. What are those test-cases?
Test-Cases for the calculator: So here we have 12 buttons totalize 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,ADD,Equalto -12 buttons here you can press at least 4 buttons at a time minimum for example 0+1= for zero you should press ‘zero’ labeled button for plus you should press ‘+’ labeled button for one you should press ‘one’ labeled button for equal to you should press ‘equal to’ labeled button 0+1=here + and = positions will not vary so first number position can be varied from 0 to 9 i.e. from permutation and combinations you can fill that space in 10 ways in the same way second number position can be varied from 0 to 9 i.e. from permutation and combinations you can fill that space in 10 ways. Total number of possibilities are =10×10=100. This is exhaustive testing methodology and this is not possible in all cases. In mathematics we have one policy that the function satisfies the starting and ending values of a range then it can satisfy for entire range of values from starting to ending. then we check the starting conditions i.e. one test case for ‘0+0=’ (expected values you know that’s ‘0′) then another test case for ‘9+9=’(expected values you know that’s ‘18′) only two test cases are enough to test the calculator functionality.
77. What is positive and negative testing? Explain with example?
Positive Testing: - testing the system by giving the valid data.
Negative Testing: - testing the system by giving the Invalid data.
Example: Application contains a textbox and as per the user’s Requirements the textbox should accept only Strings. By providing only String as input data to the textbox & to check whether its working properly or not means it is Positive Testing. If giving the input other than String means it is negative Testing.
78. How will you prepare Test plan. What are the techniques involved in preparing the Test plan?
Test plan means planning for the release. This includes Project background:
1. Test Objectives: Brief overview and description of the document
2. Test Scope: Setting the boundaries, Features being tested (Functionalities), Hardware requirements and Software requirements
3. Entrance Criteria (When to start testing): Test environment established, Builder received from developer, Test case prepared and reviewed.
4. Exit criteria (when to stop testing): All bug status cycle are closed, all functionalities are tested, and all high and medium bugs are resolved.
5. Project milestones: dead lines
79. What is the Defect Life Cycle?
Defect life cycle is also called as bug life cycle. It has 6 stages namely:
1. New: found new bug
2. Assigned: bud assigned to developer
3. Open: developer is fixing the bug
4. Fixed: developer has fixed the bug
5. Retest: tester retests the application
6. Closed/reopened: if it is ok tester gives closed status else he reopens and sends back to developer.
80. Explain about metrics Management?
Metrics: is nothing but a measurement analysis. Measurement analysis and Improvement is one of the process area in CMM I L2.
81. What is performance Testing and Regression Testing?
Performance Testing: - Testing the present working condition of the product
Regression Testing: - Regression Testing is checking for the newly added functionality causing any errors interims of functionality and the common functionality should be stable in the latest and the previous versions
82. What is meant by Priority and severity?
· This is assigned by the Test Engineer
· This is to say how badly the deviation that is occurring is affecting the other modules of the build or release.
· This is assigned by the Developer.
· This is to say how soon the bug as to be fixed in the main code, so that it pass the basic requirement.
Example: The code is to generate some values with some valid input conditions. The priority will be assigned so based on the following conditions:
· It is not accepting any value
· It is accepting value but output is in non-defined format (say Unicode Characters).
A good example I used some Unicode characters to generate a left defined arrow, it displayed correctly but after saving changes it gave some address value from the Stack of this server. For more information mail me I will let you know.
83. Give me some example for high severity and low priority defect?
If the title of the particular concern is not spelled correctly, it would give a negative impact. Example: ICICC is spelled as a title for the project of the concern ICICI. Then it is a high severity, low priority defect.
84. What is basis for test case review?
The main basis for the test case review is:
1. Testing techniques oriented review
2. Requirements oriented review
3. Defects oriented review.
85. What are the contents of SRS documents?
Software requirements specifications and Functional requirements specifications.
86. What is difference between the Web application testing and Client Server testing?
Testing the application in intranet (without browser) is an example for client -server. (The company firewalls for the server are not open to outside world. Outside people cannot access the application.) So there will be limited number of people using that application.
Testing an application in internet (using browser) is called web testing. The application which is accessible by numerous numbers around the world (World Wide Web.). So testing web application, apart from the above said two testing there are many other testing to be done depending on the type of web application. We are testing:
Testing an application in internet (using browser) is called web testing. The application which is accessible by numerous numbers around the world (World Wide Web.). So testing web application, apart from the above said two testing there are many other testing to be done depending on the type of web application. We are testing:
· If it is a secured application (like banking site- we go for security testing etc.)
· If it is an e-commerce testing application we go for Usability etc… Testing.
87. Explain your web application architecture?
Web application is tested in 3 phases:
1. Web tier testing –> browser compatibility
2. Middle tier testing –> functionality, security
3. Data base tier testing –> database integrity, contents
88. Suppose the product/application has to deliver to client at 5:00 PM, at that time you or your team member caught a high severity defect at 3:00 PM. (Remember defect is high severity) but the client is cannot wait for long time. You should deliver the product at 5:00 Pm exactly. Then what is the procedure you follow?
The bug is high severity only so we send the application to the client and find out the severity is priority or not. If its priority then we ask him to wait. Here we found defects/bugs in the last minute of the delivery or release date. Then we have two options:
1. Explain the situation to client and ask some more time to fix the bug.
2. If the client is not ready to give some time then analyze the impact of defect/bug and try to find workarounds for the defect and mention these issues in the release notes as known issues or known limitations or known bugs. Here the workaround means remedy process to be followed to overcome the defect effect.
3. Normally this known issues or known limitations (defects) will be fixed in next version or next release of the software
89. Give me examples for high priority and low severity defects?
Suppose in one banking application there is one module ATM Facility. In that ATM facility whenever we are depositing / withdrawing money it is not showing any conformation message but actually at the back end it is happening properly without any mistake means only missing of message. In this case as it is happening properly so there is nothing wrong with the application but as end user is not getting any conformation message so he/she will be Confuse for this. So we can consider this issue as HIGH Priority but LOW Severity defects…
90. Explain about Bug life cycle?
1. Tester->
2. Open defect->
3. Send to developer
4. If accepted moves to step5 else sends the bug to tester gain
5. Fixed by developer ->
6. Regression testing->
No problem inbuilt and sign off Note: If problem in built reopen the issue sends to step3
91. How can you report the defect using excel sheet?
To report the defect using excel sheet:
· Mention: The Future that been effected.
· Mention: Test Case ID (Which fail you can even mention any other which are dependency on this bug)
· Mention: Actual Behavior
· Mention: Expected Behavior as mentioned in Test Case or EFS or EBS or SRS document with section
· Mention: Your Test Setup used during Testing
· Mention: Steps to Re-Produce the bug
· Mention: Additional Info
· Mention: Attach a Screen Shot if it is a GUI bug
· Mention: Which other features it is blocking because of this bug that you are unable to execute the test cases.
· Mention: How much time you took to execute that test case or follow that specific TC which leaded to bug?
92. If you have executed 100 test cases ,every test case passed but apart from these test case you found some defect for which test case is not prepared, them how you can report the bug?
While reporting this bug into bug tracking tool you will generate the test case mean put the steps to reproduce the bug.
93. What is the difference between web based application and client server application?
The basic difference between web based application & client server application is that the web application are 3 tiers & client based are 2 tiers. In web based changes are made at one place & it is reflected on other layers also whereas client based separate changes need be installed on client machine also.
94. What is test plan? And can you tell the test plan contents?
Test plan is a high level document which explains the test strategy, time lines and available resources in detail. Typically a test plan contains:
· Objective
· Test strategy
· Resources
· Entry criteria
· Exit criteria
· Use cases/Test cases
· Tasks
· Features to be tested and not tested
· Risks/Assumptions.
95. How many test cases can you write per a day, an average figure?
· Complex test cases 4-7 per day
· Medium test cases 10-15 per day
· Normal test cases 20-30 per day
96. Who will prepare FRS (functional requirement documents)? What is the important of FRS?
The Business Analyst will pre pare the FRS. Based on this we are going to prepare test cases. It contains:
1. over view of the project
2. Page elements of the Application (Filed Names)
3. Prototype of the of the application
4. Business rules and Error States
5. Data Flow diagrams
6. Use cases contains Actor and Actions and System Responses
97. Differentiate between QA and QC?
· QA: It is process oriented. It evolves in entire process of software development. Preventing oriented.
· QC: It is product oriented. Work to examine the quality of product. Deduction oriented.
98. What is a bug?
A computer bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from working correctly or produces an incorrect result.
99. What is a test case?
Test case is set of input values, execution preconditions, expected results and execution. Post conditions, developed for a particular objective or test conditions, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement.
100. What is the purpose of test plan in your project?
Test plan document is prepared by the test lead, it contains the contents like introduction, objectives, test strategy, scope, test items, program modules user procedures, features to be tested features not to tested approach, pass or fail criteria, testing process, test deliverables, testing, tasks, responsibilities, resources, schedule, environmental requirements, risks & contingencies, change management procedures, plan approvals, etc all these things help a test manager understand the testing he should do & what he should follow for testing that particular project.
101. When the relationships occur between tester and developer?
Developer is the one who sends the application to the tester by doing all the necessary code in the application and sends the marshal id to the tester. The tester is the one who gives all the input/output and checks whether he is getting required output or not. A developer is the one who works on inside interfacing where as the tester is the one who works on outside interfacing
102. When testing will starts in a project?
The testing is not getting started after the coding. After release the build the testers perform the smoke test. Smoke test is the first test which is done by the testing team. This is according to the testing team. But, before the releasing of a build the developers will perform the unit testing.
103. If a bug has high severity then usually that is treated as high priority, then why do priority given by test engineers/project managers and severity given by testers?
High severity bugs affects the end users … testers tests an application with the users point of view, hence it is given as high severity. High priority is given to the bugs which affects the production. Project managers assign a high priority based on production point of view.
104. What is the difference between functional testing and regression testing?
Functional testing is a testing process where we test the functionality/behavior of each functional component of the application… i.e. minimize button, transfer button, links etc. i.e. we check what each component is doing in that application…
Regression testing is the testing the behavior of the application of the unchanged areas when there is a change in the build i.e. we check whether the changed requirement has altered the behavior of the unchanged areas. The impacted area may be the whole of the application or some part of the application…
105. Do you know about integration testing, how do you integrate different modules?
Integration testing means testing an application to verify the data flows between the modules. For example, when you are testing a bank application, in account balance it shows the 100$as the available balance but in database it shows the 120$. Main thing is “integration done by the developers and integration testing done by the testers”
106. Do you know about configuration management tool, what is the purpose of maintaining all the documents in configuration management tool?
It is focused primarily on maintaining the file changes in the history. Documents are subjected to change for example: consider the Test case document. Initially you draft the Test cases document and place it in Version control tool (Visual Source Safe for ex). Then you send it for Peer Review. They will provide some comments and that document will be saved in VSS again. Similarly the document undergoes changes and all the changes history will be maintained in Version control. It helps in referring to the previous version of a document. Also one person can work on a document (by checking out) at a time. Also it keeps track that has done the changes, time and date. Generally all the Test Plan, Test cases, Automation design docs are placed in VSS. Proper access rights needs to be given so that the documents don’t get deleted or modified.
107. How do you test database and explain the procedure?
Database Testing is purely done based on the requirements. You may generalize a few features but they won’t be complete. In general we look at:
1. Data Correctness (Defaults)
2. Data Storage/Retrieval
3. Database Connectivity (across multiple platforms)
4. Database Indexing
5. Data Integrity
6. Data Security
108. Suppose if you press a link in yahoo shopping site in leads to some other company website? How to test if any problem in linking from one site to another site?
1. First I will check whether the mouse cursor is turning into hand icon or not?
2. I will check the link is highlighting when I place the cursor on the link or not?
3. The site is opening or not?
4. If the site is opening then I will check is it opening in another window or the same window that the link itself exist (to check user-friendly nests of the link)
5. How fast that website is opening?
6. Is the correct site is opening according to the link?
7. All the items in the site are opening or not?
8. All other sub links are opening or not?
109. What are the contents of FRS?
F ? Function Behaviors
R ? Requirements (Outputs) of the System that is defined.
S ? Specification (How, What, When, Where, and Way) it behavior’s.
FRS ? Function Requirement Specification.
This is a Document which contains the Functional behavior of the system or a feature. This document is also known as EBS External Behavior Specification - Document. Or EFS External Function Specification.
110. What is meant by Priority and severity?
Priority means “Importance of the defect with respect to customer requirement”
Severity means “Seriousness of the defect with respect to functionality”
111. What is the difference between use case, test case, test plan?
Use Case: It is prepared by Business analyst in the Functional Requirement Specification (FRS), which is nothing but steps which are given by the customer.
Test cases: It is prepared by test engineer based on the use cases from FRS to check the functionality of an application thoroughly
Test Plan: Team lead prepares test plan, in it he represents the scope of the test, what to test and what not to test, scheduling, what to test using automation etc.
112. How can we design the test cases from requirements? Do the requirements, represent exact functionality of AUT?
Yes, requirements should represent exact functionality of AUT. First of all you have to analyze the requirements very thoroughly in terms of functionality. Then we have to think about suitable test case design technique [Black Box design techniques like Equivalence Class Partitioning (ECP), Boundary Valve Analysis (BVA), Error guessing and Cause Effect Graphing] for writing the test cases. By these concepts you should design a test case, which should have the capability of finding the absence of defects.
113. How to launch the test cases in Test Director and where it is saved?
You create the test cases in the test plan tab and link them to the requirements in the requirement tab. Once the test cases are ready we change the status to ready and go to the “Test Lab” Tab and create a test set and add the test cases to the test set and you can run from there. For automation, in test plan, create a new automated test and launch the tool and create the script and save it and you can run from the test lab the same way as you did for the manual test cases. The test cases are sorted in test plan tab or more precisely in the test director; let’s say quality centers database test director is now referred to as quality center.
114. What is the deference between a bug and a defect?
When tester verifies the test cases, all failed test cases are recorded as bugs directed for necessary action and recorded in defected reports. As a testing point of view all fail test cases are defects as well as found bugs. While development point of view if product doesn’t meet the software requirement specifications or any other features that is to be required, it is defect in the system. Who found this feature is not meeting his requirements, he call it is bug in that product.
115. How can we explain a bug, which may arrive at the time of testing. Explain?
First check the status of the bug, then check whether the bug is valid or not then forward the same bug to the team leader and then after confirmation forward it to the concern developer.
116. What do you mean by reproducing the bug? If the bug was not reproducible, what is the next step?
Reproducing a bug is as simple as reproducing a defect. If you find a defect, Example: Click the button and the corresponding action didn’t happen, it is a bug. If the developer is unable to find this behavior he will ask us to reproduce the bug. In another scenario, if the client complaints a defect in the production we will have to reproduce it in test environment.
117. How can you know bug is reproducible or not?
A bug is reproducible if we can reproduce it, if we cannot reproduce it, it is not reproducible in which case we will do further testing around it and if we cannot see it we will close it, and just hope it would never come back ever again.
118. On which basis we give priority and severity for a bug and give one example for high priority and low severity and high severity and low priority?
Always the priority is given by our team leader. Tester will never give the priority. For example,
High severity: hardware bugs application crash
Low severity: User interface bugs.
High priority: Error message is not coming on time, calculation bugs etc.
Low priority: Wrong alignment, final output wrong.
119. How is traceability of bug follow?
The traceability of bug can be followed in so many ways.
1. Mapping the functional requirement scenarios (FS Doc) - test cases (ID) - Failed test cases(Bugs)
2. Mapping between requirements (RS Doc) - Test case (ID) - Failed test cases.
3. Mapping between test plans (TP Doc) - test case (ID) - failed test cases.
4. Mapping between business requirements (BR Doc) - test cases (ID) - Failed test cases.
5. Mapping between high level designs (Design Doc) - test cases (ID) - Failed test cases.
Usually the traceability matrix is mapping between the requirements, client requirements, function specification, test plan and test cases.
120. What will be the role of tester if bug is reproduced?
Whenever the bug is reproduced, tester can send it back to the developer and ask him to fix it again. If the developer cannot fix the bug once again and if the tester sends the bug back to the developer, the third time the tester can make the bug as deferred i.e. he can reject the build (.exe)
121. Who will change the status of bug?
As soon as tester finds a bug he logs the bug as new status and assigns to developer. Developer working on that bug changes the status as open. When developers feels its not required fixing at that moment he changes the status as differed. If he completed working on that he changes the status as close and assigns the report to tester. Tester retests the bug and confirms the status as close. We come across many more statuses such as duplicate, not reproducible, to be fixed, critical, blocked, need clarification. We can use the status according to the bug.
122. Is it possible to have a defect with high severity and low priority or vice verse?
When the development team prepared the modules and they sent it for testing and after doing some part of testing then a bug raised in the first module its severity is minor and at the same time in the second module a bug raised and its severity is major. We come to know by the next day the client is coming for inspection and he wanted to get the first module prepared. So at this time less severity bug gets high priority and high severity bug gets low priority.
123. What is defect life cycle in manual testing?
Defect Life Cycle:
o Defect detection
o Reproduce the defects
o Assign the bug to the developer
o Bug fixing
o Bug resolution
o Regression
124. What is difference between bug resolution meeting and bug review committee? Who are the participants in bug resolution meeting and bug review committee?
Bug Resolution meeting: It is conducted in presence of test lead and developers where developer gives his comment whether to correct the bug at this time or later and test leader accepts or rejects developer comments and even they decide what methods should be chosen correct the error so that in regression test no bug should be reported and it should not affect other application.
Bug Review committee: It is often conducted by test lead, project managers in the presence of client, where they decide as to what errors should be considered as bugs and what severity level it should be treated as.
125. How to give bug title and bug description for ODD division?
1. Assumption: ODD number division fails
2. Bug Title: ODD number fails
3. Bug Description: Open calculated window
4. Enter an ODD number
5. Click divide by [/] button
6. Enter another Odd number
7. Enter or click equal button in calculated window
8. Observe the result
9. Expected results:
10. Quotient displayed is correct
11. Actual result
12. Quotient displayed is incorrect.
126. What is build interval period?
In some companies builds are delivered from development team to the testing team to starts the system testing. For example a new product ABC is being released to the testing team so the development team will deliver a build to the testing team. Now testing will do the testing and then will release the product to the client. now there is a new version of product coming up with the name ABC1 and is being released to the testing team so this will be the second build and time between these two builds will be called as build interval.
127. What is difference between End to end testing and system testing?
System Testing: System testing is performed on the entire system in the context of a Functional Requirement Specification(s) (FRS) and/or a System Requirement Specification (SRS). In the system testing we are taking sample test data.
Types of system testing: The following examples are different types of testing that should be considered during System testing:
- GUI software testing
- Usability testing
- Performance testing
- Compatibility testing
- Error handling testing
- Load testing
- Volume testing
- Stress testing
- User help testing
- Security testing
- Scalability testing
- Capacity testing
- Sanity testing
- Smoke testing
- Exploratory testing
- Ad hoc testing
- Regression testing
- Reliability testing
- Recovery testing
- Installation testing
- Idempotency testing
- Maintenance testing
- Recovery testing and failover testing.
- Accessibility testing,
End-to-end Testing: End-To-End Testing refers to User Level testing of Component based systems. It verifies that the integrated component functions correctly as part of the overall system and the existing Components of the System work as before. End-To-End Testing approaches the system from a Functional Side and the Architecture side thus combining Black-Box and White-Box Techniques. The Steps required to perform End-To-End testing include Test Design Test Execution and Test Results Analysis. End to end testing we are taking real time data (for a sample) and interacting with network and hardware.
128. How would you say that a bug is 100% fixed?
In quality world we cannot say bug is 100% fixed or 50% fixed. If the bug is fixed then in new version we do regression testing to make sure that bug fix doesn’t have any impact on old functionality.
129. How to post a bug?
Bugs are posted with the tools these tools are known as bug tracking tools. Custom designed tools, build specific for companies bug format, accept the details of the issue from the testers as follows:
1. Bug Id (tool generates the ID)
2. Bug description
3. Steps to reproduce the bug
4. Software and hardware environment
5. Status (New, reopen ….)
6. Version Id of the build
7. Assign to
8. Severity
9. Priority
10. Tester name and data execution
Test engineers fill the above fields in the tools and the tool acts as a central repository and tracks the entire bug life cycles.
130. What are the different types of bugs we normally see in any of the project?
1. User interface defects
2. Boundary related defects
3. Error handling defects
4. Calculation defects
5. Improper service levels
6. Interpreting data defects
7. Race condition (comparability and inter system defects)
8. Load conditions (Memory leakages under load)
9. Hardware failures
10. Source bugs
131. What is a difference between a Defect and an enhancement?
Defect: Defect is the problem or error found in the application while testing which is unnecessary or which my hindrant to the other functions of the application.
Enhancement: It’s the additional feature or functionality found and added to the application as desired by the end user/real word customer or tester during the testing process. Enhancement can be applied when the application's basic functionality is proper. Whereas when the defect is found the program cannot be considered as proper and up to the mark until its fixed.
Enhancement is done to improve the quality of the software where as Defect is removed or repair to maintain the quality of the software.
132. What is the ONE key element of ‘test case’?
A test case is unique and it is individual.
133. What is the ONE key element of ‘test plan’?
The key element of Test Plan is Entry & exit criteria
134. What is Red Box testing? What is Yellow Box testing? What is Grey Box testing?
Grey box testing: is the combination of white box testing & black box testing.
Yellow box testing: It is a message level testing. Simply yellow box testing is checking against the warning messages. Whether the system properly throwing the warning messages or not? is testing the for warning messages
Red box testing: User / Client can apply any techniques to accept the project. They will apply white box or grey box or black box for accepting the project. So we are calling the user acceptance testing as a red boxtesting. Also networking, peripherals testing and protocol testing called red box testing..
135. What is meant by bucket testing?
Bucket testing is a methodology for gauging the impact of different product designs on a Web site’s metrics. The basic premise is to run two simultaneous versions of a single or set of Web pages in order to measure the difference in clicks, traffic, transactions, and more between the two. Bucket testing provided a great way to send a small amount of traffic (usually less than 5%) to a different user interface without negatively impacting the bottom line if our new design had unintended negative consequences.
136. How much time is/should be allocated for testing out of total Development time based on industry standards?
According to industry standard 30 of the time should be allocated for testing. Or. It depends upon the development time.
137. What is log sheet? And what are the components in it?
A log sheet is generally a defect report. Server logs are also attached to the defect, for the developers to check, what is the behavior of the application, request and response of the remote server when the defect has occurred. By reading that log sheet, a programmer or developer can understand why that defect has occurred. This log sheet consists of lines of code according to the series of events that made the defect to occur.
138. What is Multi Unit testing?
Each and every project consists of set of modules. After completion of all modules development those are integrated as a system. After that we perform the system testing. Here we are conducting testing on each and every module that is called as unit testing. Whenever two modules (sometimes call it as unit) are in testing process then we say that multi unit testing is going on for a particular project.
139. Project is completed. Completed means, now UAT testing going, in that situation as a tester what will you do?
It depends on responsibilities imposed on us by our PM, TL and but our preference will be to support the team, going to perform UAT on the Application or Built
140. Find the values of each of the alphabets.
+ M O O N
Step1: When u add n, n ,n you got e so e must me a multiple of 3 from 1 to 9, multiple of 3 are 3, 6, 9.
if e = 3, n = 1,
if e = 6, n = 2,
if e = 9, n = 3.
Step2: When u add o, o, o you got n. tricky part is here n is just the units place, if o+o+o is 24 then n = 4 and 2 is send as carry...
assuming e = 3, n = 1 , when u add o, o, o you must again get multiple of 3, but here they can be greater than 9, but less than 27,
Since, 'o' cannot be greater than 9.
So possible multiples are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, and 27.
Since we are assuming e = 3, n = 1, to get 1 in no’s place of "June", only possible multiple of 3 is 21. Satisfies, n = 1 and 2 is send as carry, to get 21, o must be 7, because 7+7+7 = 21 so now we got, n = 1, e = 3, o = 7.
Step3: We got so far, n = 1, e = 3, o = 7. Here again, we add, o+o+o+2(carry from 21) and we get 'u' and carry is forwarded.
Since o = 7, 21+2 = 23, which makes u = 3 and 2 as carry, but, already we have 'e' = 3, so 'u' cannot be equal to 3,
So our assumption in step 2, e = 3, n = 1 is false not we have to try with remaining two assumptions
Other two assumptions are:
if e = 6, n = 2,
if e = 9, n = 3.
Step 4: Assuming if e = 6, n = 2, when u add o, o, o you must again get multiple of 3, but here they can be greater than 9, but less than 27, since, 'o' cannot be greater than 9.
So possible multiples are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27. Since we are assuming e = 6, n = 2, to get 2 in n's place of "June", only possible multiple of 3 is 12. Satisfies, n = 2 and 1 is send as carry.
To get 12, o must be 4, because 4+4+4 = 12,
o = 4, n = 2, e = 6
Step5: So far, we got o = 4, n = 2, e = 6
Here again, we add, o+o+o+1(carry from 12) and we get 'u' and the new carry is forwarded.
Since o = 4, 12+1 = 13, which makes u = 3 and 1 as carry, so, u =3, o = 4, n = 2, e = 6 all are unique so no problem
Step 6: Till now we got u =3, o = 4, n = 2, e = 6
Here, n+s+m+1(carry from 13) is j so, 2+s+m+1 = j from1 to 9, the remaining numbers are 1, 5, 7, 8, 9. Since 2, 3, 4, 6 are used by n, u, o, e respectively here, 3+s+m = j, so j is greater than 3, so the possible numbers for ' j ' are now, 5, 7, 8, 9.
Assume j = 5,
3+s+m =5, which means, s = m =1, uniqueness is not achieved, so j != 5,
Assume j = 7,
3+s+m = 7, means sum =4
Here, possible values of s and m to satisfy s+m =4, are
1+3 =4 not possible since u = 3
2+2 = 4 not possible since both cant be equal
3+1 =4 not possible since u = 3
Assume j = 8
3+s+m = 8, means sum = 5
Possible values of s and m to satisfy sum =5, are
1+4 = 5 not possible since o = 4
2+3= 5 not possible since u = 3
3+2 = 5 not possible since u = 3
4+1 + 5 not possible since o = 4
Therefore j = 9
3+s+m = 9
sum = 6
s = 1 and m =5 or s = 5 and m = 1
n o o n
2 4 4 2
s o o n
1 4 4 2
m o o n
5 4 4 2
j u n e
9 3 2 6
141. What is difference between a Test Plan, a Test Strategy, a Test Scenario, and a Test Case? What’s their order of succession in the STLC?
Test Plan: Test plan is a Document, developed by the Test Lead, which contains "What to Test", "How to Test", "When to Test", "Who to Test".
Test Strategy: Test Strategy is a Document, developed by the Project manager, which contains what type of technique to follow and which module to test.
Test Scenario: A name given to Test Cases is called Test Scenario. This Test Scenario was deal by the Test Engineer.
Test Cases: It is also document and it specifies a Testable condition to validate functionality. These Test Cases are deal by the Test Engineer
Order of STLC: Test Strategy, Test Plan, Test Scenario, Test Cases.
142. What kind of things does one need to know before starting an automation project?
Before starting and automation project one has to know whether he/she:
1. has the build(.exe) or not
2. whether the required tools are installed or not
3. should have the knowledge of the tools
143. What is Scalability testing? Which tool is used? What are the phases of the scalability testing?
Scalability Testing: - Scalability testing differs from Load Testing in that it focuses on the performance of your Web sites, hardware and softwareproducts, and internal applications at all the stages from minimum to maximum load. Load runner is used for scalability testing.
If it is Scalability testing , then Scalability testing can be performed as a series of load tests with different hardware or software configurations keeping other settings of testing environment unchanged. The purpose ofscalability testing is to determine whether your application scales for the workload growth. Suppose your company expects a six-fold load increase on your server in the next two months. You may need to increase the server performance and to shorten the request processing time to better serve visitors. If your application is scalable, you can shorten this time by upgrading the server hardware, for example, you can increase the CPU frequency and add more RAM (also, you can increase the request performance by changing the server software, for example, by replacing the text-file data storages with SQL Server databases. To find a better solution, first you can test hardware changes, then software changes and after that compare the results of the tests).
144. Who are the three stake holders in testing?
Stake holder means who are directly or indirectly involved in the project.
1. Client
2. Testing Team
3. Development Team
145. How many functional testing tools are available? What is the easiest scripting language used?
Win runner, silk Test, Rational Robot, QTP these are the functional Testing tools, In my point of view silk test a easiest scripting any other.
146. How many types of function to test a system?
There are four types of function to test a system.
1. Functional testing
2. Performance testing
3. Integration testing
4. System testing
147. Is there any tool to calculate how much time should be allocated for testing out of total development?
There are some tools available in the market like, Microsoft Project Management tool.
148. Define Reliability?
Finding the mean time between system failure and system recovery. We should take care of the following in reliability testing.
· Business logic performs as expected
· Active buttons are really active
· Correct menu options are available
· Reliable hyper links
149. What is Traceability Matrix? Is there any interchangeable term for Traceability Matrix? Are Traceability Matrix and Test Matrix same or Different?
I think it is not Matrix. It is Metrics. Traceability Metrics is a proof of document to ensure that all the specifications are been tested and the application is bug free. The Traceability metrics includes the following Details: BRD # FS # TEST CASE # DESCRIPTION TESTER TEST SETUP PASSED/FAILED DEFFECT STATUS OF DEFFECT ETC. There are different metrics are used to figure out how the QA is going about the testing. Test case execution metrics Script metrics Requirements metrics Defects tracking metrics. The metrics are also used as Map among different System features, Test cases, Modules and so on. Example: it is very easy to find who is responsible for defect id #1009 in Login module for BRD#3.11.5 Etc.
150. Cost of solving a bug from requirements phase to testing phase - increases slowly, decreases, and increases steeply or remains constant?
Cost of solving a bug from requirements phase to testing phase - increases slowly. Cost of solving bug increases exponentially from requirement totesting phase... Earlier the bug detected the lesser is the cost of repairing it....the later the bug comes into pictures it needs to take care of regressions occurring along with it
151. What is the purpose of software testing’s - Bug removal, System’s functionality working, quality or all?
Yes, purpose of software testing's is to detect the Bug, System'sfunctionality working will be smooth, and the job is done with full quality.
152. Have you worked with data pools and what is your opinion on them? Give me an example as to how a script would handle the data pool?
Data Pool is nothing but a parameterization. Here we can access the singleoutput for different input values, which already defined in the code.
Example: we want login the application with different user names, as this type of situation you have we use data pool.
Data pools provide variable data to your tests during execution. Performance tests are based on user emulation. During a session with the application-under-test, the tester actually uses a feature that real customers will use, and from the recorded session a test is generated containing the exact data that the tester entered. For example, to create aperformance test for a dialog in a web-based shopping application that prompts a shopper for an account number, the tester actually engages the dialog by selecting an item that is offered for sale, clicking a "pay now" button, and entering an account number. During playback of the test, in which the tester might request that hundreds of instances of the transaction be run simultaneously, it is desirable that different account numbers (perhaps a combination of valid and invalid numbers) are used for each of the instances. To supply variable data for tests to use during playback, the tester creates data pools.
153. Best to solve defects - requirements, plan, design, code / testing phase?
The best time to solve the defect is? Now? As soon As possible. Nobody can tell at what phase the defects comes. As soon as the defect comes, it is better to rectify it as soon as possible. It will help in budget, time constrains and quality.
I think the best time to solve the defect is at that point on which defect met. After getting a defect no need to wait to grow try to remove it as early as possible. If defect solves in requirement phase it is more useful to solve it in that phase if it found in planning phase try to remove in that phase. If it grows it more expensive for software and also for company operate it.
154. What is the major difference between Web services & client server environment?
The major differences between them are:
Web Services: It’s more towards the internet side. When we talk about web services it could mean from the java side (deployed on Apache) or Windows side (deployed on IIS). Testing web services is totally a different topic here.
Client Server: The system here involves a client system or a GUI (wherein a user see the front end by which he can input to the system) and a Server (a backend usually) where in the data gets saved via the GUI
155. What are test bugs?
A bug is a defect in software that causes that same software to fail to comply to a given specification. You have two types of bugs: 1) code error related bugs and 2) design error related bugs.
The test bugs are those which can found in source code or in earlier stage in like in designing or some time in the requirements collection if the interact between customer and domain company people is missing.
156. What is the difference between bug and defect?
Bug means it is a coding error. It is fixed by the developer which is posted by the tester. Where as defect is found by the tester while they are testingthe application.
Bug found in the development environment before it is shipped to the customer while defect found in the product after it is shipped to the customer.
Bug: - Bug is a error during program execution here are 2 bug:
· Syntax
· logical
Defect: - A product or service no fulfillment of a requirement.
157. Which Methodology you follow in your test case?
Following methods are commonly used for writing test cases:
· Equivalence partitioning.
· Boundary value analysis
· Based on past experience.
While we are writing the test cases we will follow some testing techniques. Based on that testing technique only we will write the test cases:
· 1.Equivalence Partitioning
· 2.Boundary Value Analysis
· 3. Error Guessing.
158. Correct bug tracking process - Reporting, Re-testing, Debugging…
First step: Bug finding
Second Step: Bug Reporting
Third Step: Bug De-bugging (fixing)
Fourth Step: Re verification of the reported bug (Regression)
This is the process of Bug cycle
159. What is the difference between an exception and an error?
EXCEPTION: Unexpected event or happening, not related to SRS
BUG: Related to SRS, Found by testers.
ERROR: not related to SRS. Found by users
160. What is Test Procedure?
Test Procedure is a part of Test Case document. It comprises of following three steps:
1. To verify the look and feel of AUT through GUI test cases.
2. To verify the positive behavior of AUT through positive test cases.
3. To verify the negative behavior of the AUT through negative test cases.
Apart from that test procedure following the steps:
· To understand the project.
· To prepare the test plan.
· To prepare the test cases.
· Execute the test cases by manual or automation.
· Analyze the result.
· To report the bugs or defect.
161. Have you ever converted Test Scenarios into Test Cases?
Yes I have converted Test scenarios into Test cases. From FD write TestScenarios and Test Conditions After these two writing test case accordingly
161. During the start of the project how the company will come to a conclusion that tool is required for testing or not?
Based on the budget for the project; the time frame; number of members in the team and based on how huge the project is; whether it has some version control or version change; the company will decide the start of the project.
162. How do you promote the concept of phase containment and defect prevention?
Phase Containment is incorporating QA into all the phases of SDLC. It results in Defect Prevention. If QA team performs Requirements Review, Design Review and Code Review, defects would be few when actual application is tested. That means we have prevented many defects by performing reviews at each stage of SDLC.
Prevention of bug is more cost effective & time effective. By involving the testing Team member’s right from the Requirements Phase it proves to reduce the bugs very drastically by taking their views and using their past experiences.
Reviewing the documents prepared in each phase of SDLC against the requirements taken from the Customer by conducting Review meetings, Inspections and walk through. This will prevent the bugs rather than fixing them later at the testing phase....
163. What is SQA testing? Tell us steps of SQA testing?
Software QA involves the entire software development process, monitoring and improving the process, making sure that any agreed-upon standards and procedures are followed and ensuring that problems are found and dealt with. It is oriented to 'prevention'. The life cycle begins when an application is first conceived and ends when it is no longer in use. It includes aspects such as initial concept, requirements analysis, functional design, internal design, documentation planning, test planning, coding, document preparation, integration, testing, maintenance, updates, retesting, phase-out, and other aspects. SQA means Software Quality Assurance. It is the process of implementing and monitoring the entire SDLC process. In this we have 4 phases:
1. Analysis
2. Design
3. Coding
4. Testing
164. Can we write Functional test case based on only BRD or only Use case?
Yes we can, but you can not have a full flow on that test case because BRD and use cases used to prepare FRS with help of FRS we can write our test case.
We can write the test cases using the BRD, but we may not get the full flow information and exact functionality of the business from BRD. According to me, we can start writing the functional test cases using the BRD, but we cannot baseline the test cases on the basis of BRD.
165. What is the difference between Use Case and test case?
Use Case | Test Case |
1. Use case is prepared for validating the applications in terms of Actors, actions and responses. 2. Use case is description of series of events that occur between user and system i.e. how system will response when a particular action is taken by user. 3. Use Case is written in Business Design Document (BDD) by theBusiness Analyst. It is for understanding the functionality for the person who is involved in writing the test cases. Example:Action Response, when OK button is clicked Screen 1 appears. 4. In use case a generalized scenario is given. | 1. Test case is prepared by test engineers but test case is used to test a specific functionality of an application. 2. Test case is different perceptions for a functionality to be tested. Usually written by Test Engineer. The same person who has written the test case may execute them or the other person. 3. In test case we are more thoroughly testing the various aspect of that generalized scenario. 4. As per Use case is converted into Test Case keeping in mind different perceptions (-ve and +ve). a. Action Expected Value Actual Value Result i. Click on Ok screen 1 should appear (+ve perception) screen1 appeared pass ii. Click on ok screen 2 should appear (-ve perception) screen 1 appeared fail. iii. Click on ok screen 2 should appear (-ve perception screen 2 appeared pass. |
166. Can you give me the exact answer for Test Bug?
Test bug: This is not satisfying the customer requirement that is call test bug.
167. For notepad application can any one write the functional and system test cases?
Testing 'Print' option in the notepad can be a System test case as an external interface is involved with the test.
168. What is the difference between GUI testing and black box testing?
GUI testing mainly tests the application objects like buttons, text boxes, check boxes… etc.
Black box testing mainly tests the application functionality
169. The recruiter asked if I have Experience in Pathways. What is this?
I think it is path testing, which is a part of white box testing. Path followed by a program is tested here. A flow graph notation with arrows and nodes is used to represent the overall flow of the program. All the paths in the program are noted down and tested individually, to verify that the path that is followed is according to requirement or not.
170. What are the differences between interface and integration testing? Are system specification and functional specification the same? What are the difference between system and functional testing?
Interface testing is to test the behavior of the application when there is more application involves and Integration testing is to check the behavior of application when more then one module of the same application.
Functional testing is a testing process where we test the functionality/behavior of each functional component of the application i.e. minimize button, transfer button, links etc. i.e. we check what each component is doing in that application.
System Testing: It is the process of executing entire system i.e. checking the software as well as parts of system.
171. What are the different types, methodologies, approaches, methods in software testing?
Basically we are having two types of testing.
1. Black box testing: - Not based on any internal knowledge of anapplication. Testing based on requirements and functionality.
2. White box testing: - It based on internal logic of an application code. Testing based on coverage of code statement, branches, paths, loop and condition.
3. Methodologies of testing is way to conduct testing, like an execution plan and look like a test strategy.
4. Strategy of testing is:
a. Black box and white box.
5. Methodologies of testing
a. Verification and validation
6. Validation of testing is
a. Unit testing, system testing, Integration testing, user acceptance testing etc.
Basically CMM, IEEE and CMMI are the process models.
172. Which phase is called as the Blackout or Quite Phase in SDLC?
I think in this scenario User-Acceptance testing is the quit phase.
173. What is the difference between Desktop application testing and Web testing?
Desktop testing is standalone testing Web testing is related to Client-Server. Desktop need not worry about number of users, etc.
Web testing needs to have many testing’s like usability, GUI, Load testing and Testing URLs.
174. What is Business Process Management (BPM)?
Business Process Management or BPM, is the practice of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of any organization by automating the organization's business processes. BPM used to be also known as Business Process Reengineering (BPR). Many companies have business processes that are unique to its business model. Since these processes tend to evolve over time as the business reacts to market conditions, the BPM solution you choose must be easily adaptable to the new conditions and requirements and continue to be a perfect fit for the company.
In order to use BPM effectively, organizations must stop focusing exclusively on data and data management, and adopt a process-oriented approach that makes no distinction between work done by a human and a computer.
· the idea of BPM is to bring processes, people and information together.
· Dynamic infrastructure requires separation of flows, business rules and services.
· identifying the business processes is relatively easy. Breaking down the barriers between business areas, and finding owners for the processes is difficult.
· BPM not only involves managing business processes within the enterprise but also involves real-time integration of the processes of a company with those of its suppliers, business partners, and customers.
· BPM involves looking at automation horizontally instead of vertically.
· Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) is essential for measurement of BPM impact.
Examples of BPM tasks that your organization performs that should be automated include:
· Expense Reports Travel Requests
· Purchase Orders Human Resource Management
· New Accounts and Credit Authorizations Sales Orders
· Project Management Software Change Management
175. What is business process in software testing?
Business Process in Software Testing is: Describe what testing means, why it is necessary, why it can be inadequate and when it is complete. Understand and distinguish among common testing techniques, such as documentation reviews, black and white box, unit, integration, system, boundary, stress, static and dynamic testing. Describe how testing fits into a typical Software Development Life Cycle. Understand the unique testing characteristics for web, client/server, mainframe and vendor applications. Perform risk analysis to determine what to test and create a Risk Assessment Document. Define testing strategies and create a Test Strategy Document. Describe the processes and deliverables associated with best practice testing. Create test plans and test cases based on requirements. Develop a process for handling errors and issues that occur throughout the testing lifecycle. Understand Quality concepts (including Quality Assurance) and its importance to the testing process. Describe the roles and responsibilities throughout the testing process. Conduct special tests, such as usability tests, disaster recovery tests and other miscellaneous tests
176. What is the difference between test techniques and test methodology?
Testing techniques constitute of: Equivalent class Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, and Error Guessing for Black Box. Statement Coverage, Condition Coverage for White Box testing.
Test Methodology: It is the way we are going to approach a project. It is nothing but method we are following in out project.
177. What is meant by test environment? What is meant by DB installing and configuring and deploying skills?
Test Environment
: Environment that is to be created for the testing team to execute the tests manually as well as by automation. This test environment is the integration of software, hardware, networks, servers, database etc according to the client requirements. In the same way software developers also integrate an environment according to client requirements. Any defects that occur in test environment should also occur in the developer’s environment when developers try to reproduce those defects. If it does not occur, than the developer changes the status of that defect to not-reproducible.
Database installing is installing the database that is necessary for the test environment according to client requirements. Database like sql, oracle etc are installed on the machine and configured according to client requirements. Deploying refers to version release and also safely installing the product on the client machines. Either automated installer tools like install shield or installed manually.
178. When an application is given for testing with what initial testing, the testing will be started and when are all the different types of testing done following the initial testing?
When an application comes for testing then first of all we will do sanity testing. If our application's main functionality is running fine then we will move on further testing.
179. In an application if I enter the delete button it should give an error message “Are you sure you want to delete” but the application gives the message as “Are you sure”. Is it a bug? And if it is how you would rate its severity?
Yes it is a bug and is related error message bug category. For this type of bug mentioned in the question, some part of error message is missing. Delete button functionality is to delete an item from the application. Here the expected result should be "Are you sure you want delete", but actual result is "Are you sure". A user can understand easily, what the error message is asking and will definitely click on ok, if he wants to delete or click cancel if he was not sure. Here severity is low or very low, means it is not affecting the application behavior though it is a defect or bug. If it is "Are You" than the bug severity increases to high and priority also becomes high.
180. What is difference between test plan and use case?
Test Plan: It is a document that
describes scope approach and focus of testing
Use Case: it is a Low Level Design document that captures the Business Logic at a component, screen or Sub-module level.
181. What is test case analysis?
Test case analysis means reviewing the test case normally done by team lead or Quality Manager. In this process he / she walkthrough the test cases and compares with the SRS or functional document and also checks whether all major scenarios were considered by test engineer while writing the test case and informs accordingly
182. What are the main things we have to keep in mind while writing the test cases? Explain with format by giving an example.
The main focus while writing test cases should be to cover all the documented requirements, a rudimentary form of doing this is by specifying the exact requirement number/id against every test case. A better way of doing this is by preparing a Traceability Matrix. We should also try and write which cover the implicit requirements along with the explicit stated ones, some negative test cases to cover unpredictable scenarios. Effort should be made to test all possible inputs and to apply whatever domain knowledge the tester has. The test cases should follow a logical flow, and should include all the information required for executing the steps. The writing style should be easy to understand, all these points make it easy for the reviewer to review the test cases, and also help in easy execution of test cases as they might be executed by another person. The template for writing the test cases should also be followed properly and all columns should be filled in with the required information.
183. If we found the bug in SRS or FRS, how to categorize that bug?
SRS & BRS- If we find the bug in SRS or BRS it will be valuable for the organization, because we are trying to find the bugs from the point where they are originated i.e. SRS & BRS. Example: - if the requirement is not clearly specified or it is ambiguous then it will impact on design, coding and almost on the whole application.
184. Define Bug Life Cycle? What is Metrics?
Bug Life Cycle: When we find out the bug, we will put into the “open” status. After fixing the bug developer change the status as “fixed”. Again we will test the fixed part, if there is no bug, change the bug status as “Closed” otherwise change the bug status as “Reopen”.
Metrics: Software metric defines the standard method of measuring certain attributes of the process or the product or the service.
185. Define Quality - bug free, Functionality working or both?
Quality: The degree
to which a product performs as advertised, without flaws and without unnecessary complications. Also for finding bugs and making sure they (bugs) get fixed and stay fixed.
186. What’s main difference between smoke and sanity testing? When are these performed?
Smoke testing: In which the application is tested initially in order to ensure whether all functionalities are available to perform detail testing on them.
Sanity testing: In which one can perform testing on an overall application initially to check whether the application is proper in terms of availability and Usability.
187. What are the management tools we have in testing?
There is no particular bug tracking tool. It will vary from company to company. In my company they are using Bugzilla. In some comp use TD, Service Point, manita1.0.1, Test Team, etc..
188. What is installation shield in testing?
Install Shield is the software which is used to create the setup files. There is Installation testing which ensures that the user can install the software without any problem and the files are getting stored at proper place and all the register entry are getting stored properly. There is nothing called Installation Shield testing.
189. What technical environments have you worked with?
According to me Technical environments depends on company to company and also on the compatibility of project like most of the projects supports Windows and 3 - tire application in case of Database or some software will work
on Unix / Linux so answer for this will different for different users.
190. What are the test cases prepared by the testing team?
In my company I prepare three types of test cases they are:
1. Graphical user interface test cases (GUI test cases)
2. Positive test cases
3. Negative test cases
1. What is SDLC ?
2. What is STLC
3.Defect Life Cycle
4.Defect Reporting
5. Test cases and Test Scenarios
192. What is Manual Testing, What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Manual Testing
Manual testing is a testing process that is carried out manually in order to find defects without the usage of tools or automation scripting.
It is a mechanism of knowing what’s the expected result and what the actual result a software product or project has given.
Advantages of Manual Testing
➢ Manual Testing is eye ball testing
➢ Applications with short life cycles.
➢ Applications that have GUIs that constantly changes
➢ It requires less time and expense to begin productive manual testing.
➢ Automation cannot replace human intuition, inference, and inductive reasoning.
➢ Automation Testing cannot change course in the middle of a test run to examine something that had not been previously considered.
➢ Manual QA testing can be used in both small and big projects.
➢ Easily we can update our test case according to project movement.
➢ It is covered in limited cost.
➢ Easy to learn for new people who are entered into testing.
➢ Manual QA Testing is more reliable than automation (in many cases automation will not cover all cases)
Disadvantage of Manual Testing
➢ GUI objects size difference and color combination etc is not easy to find out in manual testing.
➢ Load testing and performance testing is not possible in manual testing.
➢ Running test manually is very time consuming job.
➢ Regression Test cases are time consuming if it is manual testing.
193. What is Manual Testing and Why is necessary
Software testing is a process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding the software bugs.
Why is necessary : Software testing is very important because of the following reasons:
➢ Software testing is really required to point out the defects and errors that were made during the development phases.
➢ It’s essential since it makes sure of the Customer’s reliability and their satisfaction in the application.
➢ It is very important to ensure the Quality of the product. Quality product delivered to the customers helps in gaining their confidence.
➢ Testing is necessary in order to provide the facilities to the customers like the delivery of high quality product or software application which requires lower maintenance cost and hence results into more accurate, consistent and reliable results.
➢ Testing is required for an effective performance of software application or product.
➢ It’s important to ensure that the application should not result into any failures because it can be very expensive in the future or in the later stages of the development.
➢ It’s required to stay in the business
Fundamental of Software testing: Finding the bug as early as possible and get them fix.
Principles of Software Testing
➢ Never assume anything
➢ Never check own code
➢ Suppose to do and not supposed to do
➢ Always define the expected result
➢ Inspect the result of each test completely
➢ Include the test case for valid and unexpected conditions
194. What is STLC explain in Detail
The process of testing a software in a well planned and systematic way is known as software testing lifecycle (STLC). Different organizations have different phases in STLC however generic Software Test Life Cycle (STLC) for waterfall development model consists of the following phases.
1. Requirements Analysis
2. Test Planning
3. Test Analysis
4. Test Design
5. Test Construction and Verification
6. Test Execution and Bug Reporting
7. Final Testing and Implementation
8. Post Implementation
1. Requirements Analysis In this phase testers analyze the customer requirements and work with developers during the design phase to see which requirements are testable and how they are going to test those requirements. It is very important to start testing activities from the requirements phase itself because the cost of fixing defect is very less if it is found in requirements phase rather than in future phases
. 2. Test Planning In this phase all the planning about testing is done like what needs to be tested, how the testing will be done, test strategy to be followed, what will be the test environment, what test methodologies will be followed, hardware and software availability, resources, risks etc. A high level test plan document is created which includes all the planning inputs mentioned above and circulated to the stakeholders
. 3. Test Analysis After test planning phase is over test analysis phase starts, in this phase we need to dig deeper into project and figure out what testing needs to be carried out in each SDLC phase. Automation activities are also decided in this phase, if automation needs to be done for software product, how will the automation be done, how much time will it take to automate and which features need to be automated. Non functional testing areas(Stress and performance testing) are also analyzed and defined in this phase.
4. Test Design In this phase various black-box and white-box test design techniques are used to design the test cases for testing, testers start writing test cases by following those design techniques, if automation testing needs to be done then automation scripts also needs to written in this phase.
5. Test Construction and Verification In this phase testers prepare more test cases by keeping in mind the positive and negative scenarios, end user scenarios etc. All the test cases and automation scripts need to be completed in this phase and got reviewed by the stakeholders. The test plan document should also be finalized and verified by reviewers.
6. Test Execution and Bug Reporting Once the unit testing is done by the developers and test team gets the test build, The test cases are executed and defects are reported in bug tracking tool, after the test execution is complete and all the defects are reported. Test execution reports are created and circulated to project stakeholders. After developers fix the bugs raised by testers they give another build with fixes to testers, testers do re-testing and regression testing to ensure that the defect has been fixed and not affected any other areas of software. Testing is an iterative process i.e. If defect is found and fixed, testing needs to be done after every defect fix(Retesting). After tester assures that defects have been fixed and no more critical defects remain in software the build is given for final testing.
7. Final Testing and Implementation In this phase the final testing is done for the software, non functional testing like stress, load and performance testing are performed in this phase. The software is also verified in the production kind of environment. Final test execution reports and documents are prepared in this phase.
8. Post Implementation In this phase the test environment is cleaned up and restored to default state, the process review meeting’s are done and lessons learnt are documented. A document is prepared to cope up similar problems in future releases.
195. What is SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle)
The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a framework defining tasksperformed at each step in the software development process. SDLC is a structure followed by a development team within the software organization. It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain and replace specific software. The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development process.
This term is also known as the software development process.
SDLC consists of following activities:
1. Planning
The most important parts of software development, requirement gathering or requirement analysis are usually done by the most skilled and experienced software engineers in the organization. After the requirements are gathered from the client, a scope document is created in which the scope of the project is determined and documented.
2. Implementation
The software engineers start writing the code according to the client's requirements.
3. Testing
This is the process of finding defects or bugs in the created software.
Documentation: Every step in the project is documented for future reference and for the improvement of the software in the development process. The design documentation may include writing the application programming interface (API).
4. Deployment and maintenance
The software is deployed after it has been approved for release.
5. Maintaining
Software maintenance is done for future reference. Software improvement and new requirements (change requests) can take longer than the time needed to create the initial development of the software.
Levels of testing ?
There are four levels of software testing:
There are four levels of software testing:
Unit testing
Integration testing
System testing
Acceptance testing
Unit Testing : Unit Testing is a level of the software testing process where individual units/components of a software/system are tested. The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software performs as designed.
Unit Testing is done by Developer
Integration Testing : Integration Testing is a level of the software testing process where individual units are combined and tested as a group. The purpose of this level of testing is to expose faults in the interaction between integrated units.
Intergration Testing is Done by developer/Tester
It comes after unit testing when all the units are prepared
What are different types of integration testing?
Ans: Incremental and Non-incremental.
Incremental :
Top-Down Approach : Stub is dummy object
Bottom Up Approach: Driver is dummy object
Big-Bang :Complete testing
System Testing: System Testing is a level of the software testing process where a complete, integrated system/software is tested. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the systems compliance with the specified requirements.
It comes after when all the units are integrated.To check the behavior of complete
Types : Performance testing,Security testing,Compatibility testing,Configuration
Acceptance Testing: Acceptance Testing is a level of the software testing process where a system is tested for acceptability. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the system’s compliance with the business requirements and assess whether it is acceptable for delivery.
196. What is Defect life cycle?
Defect life cycle is a cycle which a defect goes through during its lifetime. It starts when defect is found and ends when a defect is closed, after ensuring it’s not reproduced. Defect life cycle is related to the bug found during testing.
The bug has different states in the Life Cycle. The Life cycle of the bug can be shown diagrammatically as follows:
Bug or defect life cycle includes following steps or status:

1. New: When a defect is logged and posted for the first time. It’s state is given as new.
1. New: When a defect is logged and posted for the first time. It’s state is given as new.
Assigned: After the tester has posted the bug, the lead of the tester approves that the bug is genuine and he assigns the bug to corresponding developer and the developer team. It’s state given as assigned.
Open: At this state the developer has started analyzing and working on the defect fix.
Fixed: When developer makes necessary code changes and verifies the changes then he/she can make bug status as ‘Fixed’ and the bug is passed to testing team.
Pending retest: After fixing the defect the developer has given that particular code for retesting to the tester. Here the testing is pending on the testers end. Hence its status is pending retest.
Retest: At this stage the tester do the retesting of the changed code which developer has given to him to check whether the defect got fixed or not.
Verified: The tester tests the bug again after it got fixed by the developer. If the bug is not present in the software, he approves that the bug is fixed and changes the status to “verified”.
Reopen: If the bug still exists even after the bug is fixed by the developer, the tester changes the status to “reopened”. The bug goes through the life cycle once again.
Closed: Once the bug is fixed, it is tested by the tester. If the tester feels that the bug no longer exists in the software, he changes the status of the bug to “closed”. This state means that the bug is fixed, tested and approved.
Duplicate: If the bug is repeated twice or the two bugs mention the same concept of the bug, then one bug status is changed to “duplicate“.
Rejected: If the developer feels that the bug is not genuine, he rejects the bug. Then the state of the bug is changed to “rejected”.
Deferred: The bug, changed to deferred state means the bug is expected to be fixed in next releases. The reasons for changing the bug to this state have many factors. Some of them are priority of the bug may be low, lack of time for the release or the bug may not have major effect on the software.
Not a bug: The state given as “Not a bug” if there is no change in the functionality of the application. For an example: If customer asks for some change in the look and field of the application like change of colour of some text then it is not a bug but just some change in the looks of the application.
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